Results for 'Peter H. Butenschøn'

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  1.  10
    Riding the wind: a new philosophy for a new era.Peter H. Marshall - 1998 - New York: Cassell.
    In this account of his mature thinking, Peter Marshall develops a dynamic and organic philosophy for the coming millennium which he calls liberation ecology. Liberation ecology is holistic in viewing the world as a harmonious whole and all beings and things as interwoven threads in nature's web. It is intuitive in recognizing intuition as the main source of knowledge and the imagination as the great organ of morality. It is ecological in seeing human beings as fellow voyagers with other (...)
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  2. W. H. Sheldon's Philosophy of Polarity: A Metaphilosophy.Peter H. Hare - 1967 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 48 (2):200.
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  3. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding: Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke.Peter H. Nidditch (ed.) - 1975 - Oxford University Press UK.
    A scholarly edition of Essay Concerning Human Understanding by P. H. Nidditch. The edition presents an authoritative text, together with an introduction, commentary notes, and scholarly apparatus.
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  4. An Essay Concerning Human Understanding.Peter H. Nidditch (ed.) - 1979 - Oxford University Press UK.
    This paperback edition reproduces the complete text of the Essay as prepared by professor Nidditch for The Clarendon Edition of the Works of John Locke. The Register of Formal Variants and the Glossary are omitted and Professor Nidditch has written a new foreword.
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    Detection in metacontrast.Peter H. Schiller & Marilyn C. Smith - 1966 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 71 (1):32.
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    Positiwe and negatiwe symptoms, the hippocampus and P3.Peter H. Venables - 1991 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 14 (1):53-54.
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    Hormonal and heat‐stress regulation of protein synthesis in the aleurone layers of barley seeds.Peter H. Brown & Mark R. Brodl - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (6):199-202.
    Barley aleurone cells have long served as a model system for studying the regulation of gene expression in plants. In this review we survey what is known about hormone‐regulated gene expression in aleurone cells. We also describe the effects of heat stress on gene expression in this system, and speculate how the aleurone cell prioritizes its response between hormone‐induced and environment‐induced programs of gene expression.
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    William James Dickinson Miller & C. J. Ducasse on the Ethics of Belief.Peter H. Hare & Edward H. Madden - 1968 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 4 (3):115 - 129.
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    Progress in Defining Disease: Improved Approaches and Increased Impact.Peter H. Schwartz - 2017 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 42 (4):485-502.
    In a series of recent papers, I have made three arguments about how to define “disease” and evaluate and apply possible definitions. First, I have argued that definitions should not be seen as traditional conceptual analyses, but instead as proposals about how to define and use the term “disease” in the future. Second, I have pointed out and attempted to address a challenge for dysfunction-requiring accounts of disease that I call the “line-drawing” problem: distinguishing between low-normal functioning and dysfunctioning. Finally, (...)
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    Notice. The Romans: an introduction. A Kamm.Peter H. Barker - 1997 - The Classical Review 47 (1):217-218.
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    Justification and the intelligibility of behavior.Peter H. Barnett - 1975 - Journal of Value Inquiry 9 (1):24-33.
    In trying to make sense out of our behavior, we reach a point at which we stop talking about what we did and start talking about what we wish we had done, about what we mean to do next. But we think we are still talking about our motives and intentions in what we did. How do we know when we cross the line between finding out what actually happened and ascribing to a situation what we think ought to have (...)
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    Inherited quality control problems.Peter H. Schönemann - 1990 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 13 (1):145-145.
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    Gedanken zur Zeit.Peter H. Richter - 2012 - Philosophia Naturalis 49 (2):175-206.
    The notion of time emerged from the observation of celestial phenomena and the construction of calendars. Its development towards ever higher precision went along with qualitative changes, and was shaped by cultural predisposition. With Einstein's theories of relativity at the lastest, special and general, the nature of time was defined in terms of the metric of a four-dimensional space-time which in turn depends on the distribution of matter. However, it should not be ignored that these theories are local in character (...)
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  14. Bernhard Pankok's graphic iterations.Peter H. Fox - 2020 - In Robin Schuldenfrei, Iteration: episodes in the mediation of art and archtecture. New York, NY: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group.
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    The Primacy of the Heart: Scheler's Challenge to Phenomenology.Peter H. Spader - 1985 - Philosophy Today 29 (3-4):223-229.
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    (1 other version)Über Die Darstellbarkeit Von Ereignissen in Nicht‐Initialen Automaten.Peter H. Starke - 1963 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 9 (21):315-319.
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    Über Experimente an Automaten.Peter H. Starke - 1967 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 13 (3-5):67-80.
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    (1 other version)Entscheidungsprobleme für Autonome Mehrbandautomaten.Peter H. Starke - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):131-140.
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    Scheler's ethical personalism: its logic, development, and promise.Peter H. Spader - 2002 - New York: Fordham University Press.
    Peter Spader has written a magisterial study on Max Scheler, one of phenomenology’s earliest and greatest figures, whose theory of ethical personalism has become a major voice in the formulation of phenomenological ethics today. Spader follows Scheler’s use of the classic phenomenological approach, by means of which he presented a fresh view of values, feelings, and the person, and thereby staked out a new approach in ethics. Spader recreates the logic of Scheler’s quest, revealing the basis of his thought (...)
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  20.  29
    Mediate association.H. N. Peters - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (1):20.
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    Rowland G Hazard (1801-88) On Freedom In Willing.Peter H. Hare - 1972 - Journal of the History of Ideas 33 (January-March):155-164.
  22.  19
    (1 other version)Bemerkungen Zu Der Von Asser Entwickelten Version Der Turing‐Maschine.Peter H. Starke - 1960 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 6 (7‐14):106-108.
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  23. What would Terri want? : advance directive and the psychological challenges of surrogate decision making.Peter H. Ditto - 2009 - In James L. Werth & Dean Blevins, Decision making near the end of life: issues, developments, and future directions. New York: Routledge.
  24.  15
    Reflexive Governance and Multilevel.Peter H. Feindt - 2012 - In Eric Brousseau, Tom Dedeurwaerdere & Bernd Siebenhüner, Reflexive Governance for Global Public Goods. MIT Press. pp. 159.
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    Rational choice theory.Peter H. M. P. Roelofsma - 1999 - Philosophical Psychology 12 (3):309.
  26.  15
    (1 other version)A Height Restricted Generation of a Set of Arithmetic Functions of Order‐Type ε0.Peter H. Slessenger - 1985 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 31 (7‐8):117-122.
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    "A note on additive functional measurement": Erratum.Peter H. Schönemann, Thomas Cafferty & James Rotton - 1973 - Psychological Review 80 (2):138-138.
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    Listing Locke's works chronologically by date of publication is salutary, since today we know many more of his compositions than his con-temporaries did; by 1688 he had written a great deal but had published little, and several early.Peter H. Nidditch - 2010 - In S. J. Savonius-Wroth Paul Schuurman & Jonathen Walmsley, The Continuum Companion to Locke. Continuum. pp. 42.
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    Moral Empathy Gaps and the American Culture War.Peter H. Ditto & Spassena P. Koleva - 2011 - Emotion Review 3 (3):331-332.
    Our inability to feel what others feel makes it difficult to understand how they think. Because moral intuitions organize political attitudes, moral empathy gaps can exacerbate political conflict (and other kinds of conflict as well) by contributing to the perception that people who do not share our moral opinions are unintelligent and/or have malevolent intentions.
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    Scheler's Phenomenological Given.Peter H. Spader - 1978 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 9 (3):150-157.
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  31. The Whereabouts of God.Peter H. Pleune - unknown
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  32. The Epistle of James: A Commentary on the Greek Text.Peter H. Davids - 1982
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  33.  47
    Religion and analytic naturalism.Peter H. Hare - 1967 - World Futures 5 (4):52-61.
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  34. The Continuing Usefulness Account of Proper Function.Peter H. Schwartz - 2002 - In André Ariew, Robert Cummins & Mark Perlman, Functions: New Essays in the Philosophy of Psychology and Biology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    'Modern History' views claim that in order for a trait X to have the proper function F, X must have been recently favored by natural selection for doing F (Griffiths 1992, 1993; Godfrey-Smith 1994). For many traits with prototypical proper functions, however, such recent selection may not have occurred, since traits may have been maintained owing to lack of variation or selection for other effects. I explore this flaw in Modern History accounts and offer an alternative etiological theory, which I (...)
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    A cognitive approach to facilitating group strategic decision taking: Analysis of practice and a theoretical interpretation.Peter H. Griyer - 1992 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 5 (3):26-49.
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  36. That Ye May Believe.Peter H. Eldersveld - 1950
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    11. The Development of William James's Epistemological Realism.Peter H. Hare & Chandana Chakrabarti - 1980 - In Joseph L. Blau & Maurice Wohlgelernter, History, religion, and spiritual democracy: essays in honor of Joseph L. Blau. New York: Columbia University Press. pp. 231-246.
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    The relationship between time spent in the culs-de-sac of a stylus maze and speed of elimination.H. N. Peters & J. A. McGeoch - 1935 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 18 (4):414.
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    Études Tibétaines dédiées à la mémoire de Marcelle LalouEtudes Tibetaines dediees a la memoire de Marcelle Lalou.Peter H. Pott - 1974 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 94 (2):228.
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  40. Max Scheler, Phenomenology, and Metaphysics.Peter H. Spader - 1974 - Philosophical Forum 6 (2):274.
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    Review of Max Scheler: Formalism in Ethics and Non-formal Ethics of Values: A New Attempt Toward the Foundation of an Ethical Personalism; Max Scheler: Selected Philosophical Essays[REVIEW]Peter H. Spader - 1978 - Ethics 88 (3):271-276.
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    Summary and Conclusions.Peter H. W. Lau - 2010 - In Identity and Ethics in the Book of Ruth: A Social Identity Approach. De Gruyter.
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    In Memoriam: Frederic Harold Young (1905-2003) and the Founding of the Peirce Society.Peter H. Hare - 2004 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 40 (3):393 - 415.
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    (1 other version)Homogeneous Universal Models of Universal Theories.Peter H. Krauss - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 23 (27‐30):415-426.
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    Monoptic and dichoptic visual masking by patterns and flashes.Peter H. Schiller - 1965 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 69 (2):193.
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    The Habsburg Empire: A New History by Pieter M. Judson.Peter H. Wilson - 2018 - Common Knowledge 24 (3):451-452.
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  47. Defining dysfunction: Natural selection, design, and drawing a line.Peter H. Schwartz - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (3):364-385.
    Accounts of the concepts of function and dysfunction have not adequately explained what factors determine the line between low‐normal function and dysfunction. I call the challenge of doing so the line‐drawing problem. Previous approaches emphasize facts involving the action of natural selection (Wakefield 1992a, 1999a, 1999b) or the statistical distribution of levels of functioning in the current population (Boorse 1977, 1997). I point out limitations of these two approaches and present a solution to the line‐drawing problem that builds on the (...)
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    Doing Philosophy Historically.Peter H. Hare (ed.) - 1988 - Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books.
    Can original philosophy be done while simultaneously engaging in the history of philosophy? Such a possibility is questioned by analytic philosophers who contend that history contaminates good philosophy, and by historians of philosophy who insist that theoretical predecessors cannot be ignored. Believing that both camps are misguided, the contributors to this book present a case for historical philosophy as a valuable enterprise. The contributors include: Todd L. Adams, Lilli Alanen, Jos? Bernardete, Jonathan Bennett, John I. Biro, Phillip Cummins, Georges Dicker, (...)
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  49. Decision and Discovery in Defining “Disease”.Peter H. Schwartz - 2007 - In Harold Kincaid & Jennifer McKitrick, Establishing medical reality: Methodological and metaphysical issues in philosophy of medicine. Springer Publishing Company. pp. 47-63.
  50. An Alternative to Conceptual Analysis in the Function Debate.Peter H. Schwartz - 2004 - The Monist 87 (1):136-153.
    Philosophical interest in the biological concept of function stems largely from concerns about its teleological associations. Assigning something a function seems akin to assigning it a purpose, and discussion of the purpose of items has long been off-limits to science. Analytic philosophers have attempted to defend ‘function’ by showing that claims about functions do not involve any reference to a problematic notion of purpose. To do this, philosophers offer short lists of necessary and sufficient conditions for the application of the (...)
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